The Central Indiana FCA Team hopes Summer 2022 is full of AMAZING opportunities for interns. You can expect to...
To view a detailed job description and submit an application, click the button below:
The primary goal of the FCA INTERNSHIP experience is to develop the intern’s understanding of his/her individual calling to ministry through related training and experience and to introduce the intern to FCA with its vast opportunities to live out that calling through serving, including a career with FCA. Our desire is to raise up Kingdom builders for God’s glory!
FCA Interns are collegiate volunteers who engage through FCA in a learning and developmental ministry experience during a summer or school semester. Interns may serve more than one term (summer or semester) in keeping with the typical collegiate calendar.
*There are flexible hours for Division I athletes.
Each unique experience is designed to engage, equip, and empower selected collegiate athletes and leaders to develop a lifelong desire and commitment to live out their calling and to introduce them to the various service and career opportunities with FCA. Skills and experiences typically developed in an FCA internship include but are not limited to:
And so much more!
- With and for Him -- there’s no greater goal than for us to know God and enjoy Him forever. (Philippians 3)
- Iron sharpens iron -- Jesus is our model for leadership that multiplies. (Matthew 28, Proverbs 27:17)
- Serving as a body – we believe serving is better and most effective when we do it together. (1 Corinthians 12)